Northwind Database Decoded Insights and Analysis

The Northwind database, a free and open-source database made by Microsoft, was made for a anecdotal company for the reason of practicing SQL questions and factual analysis.

Northwind database

The objective of the venture is to inquiry the database and to perform factual examination and speculation testing to create explanatory experiences that can be of esteem to the company. From the database we are able to accumulate data approximately workers, orders, shipping execution, and other important data to give exhortation to the company.

Northwind Database Decoded Insights and Analysis

The technique of this extend included common information investigation, Welch’s T-Test, Cohen’s D, and ANOVA. Speculation testing for Invalid and Elective speculation were done to look for prove of factual importance of different metrics.

Data Exploration

Data Investigation and questioning of the database given common data around the Northwind company and the orders contained in the database. This investigation too given the connections among the information inside the database. This data included imperative information almost the estimate of Northwind, the shipping providers, the orders (number of orders, amount) in the database, and more. By investigating the information, speculation were able to be made to be able to give explanatory understanding for the company.

Speculation Testing

The extend tended to 3 questions:

Does markdown sum have a factually noteworthy impact on the amount of a item in an arrange? If so, at what level(s) of discount?

Is there is a measurable contrast between the exhibitions of the shipping companies?

Does the time of year (to begin with half of the year or moment half of the year) have an affect on the amount of orders?

Is there a measurably critical distinction between execution of UK workers and US employees?

For each address a Invalid theory and an Elective Theory were set up. The invalid speculation fundamentally states that there is no prove of measurable importance. The elective theory states that there is measurable noteworthiness. The reason of the speculation testing is to see if there is sufficient prove to dismiss or to not dismiss the invalid hypothesis.


For each address, the information was questioned from the database and an introductory plot was made to appear likelihood disseminations to outwardly see test contrasts in the cruel and standard deviation. The chart underneath is for the to begin with address over and shows there is a visual distinction in the implies. The dissemination is skewed to the right and with a non typical conveyance in spite of the fact that they appear to be comparative shapes.

Northwind Database Decoded Insights and Analysis

Welch’s T-test

After calculating the mean of each population and variances of the populations, it is evident that they are different and therefore require Welch’s T-Test for hypothesis testing. This two sample test is used when there are two populations to see if the populations have equal means.

Cohen’s D

Cohen’s D is used to accompany other statistical tastings like Welch’s t-test or ANOVA to calculate the effect size to calculate the magnitude of difference (effect size).


ANOVA tests multiple pairwise comparisons and creates a chart output to show significance of each factor.

Northwind Database Decoded Insights and Analysis


From our hypothesis testing we were able to reject the null hypothesis for the question of if discounts had a significant effect on the quantity of the order. Therefore there is strong evidence that discount does play a role in how much someone orders a product. For the other three questions, there was no significant evidence that allowed to reject the null hypothesis. The performances of shipping companies, the time of year vs the quantity of orders, and the differences of performances of UK and US employees did all not yield any significant statistical differences.

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